Pet's Choice alternates emergency on-call coverage with Sitka Animal Hospital.  If you call our number, (907) 747-3788, outside of our normal business hours, the voice message will guide you to the correct emergency number. 

Sitka Animal Hospital's emergency number is 907-752-7387.  You must leave a message.  If your pet needs to be seen on emergency, they will call you back. 

Pet's Choice emergency phone will be put on "Do Not Disturb".  If you would like a telephone consultation, there will be prepaid fees as listed below.  You must call  907-623-8095 twice within two minutes for the call to ring through.  If the consultation becomes an emergency visit, the consultation charge will be put towards the emergency visit.   Texting this number is also acceptable for a non urgent emergency, however they will be responded to during the daytime.   Dr. Caraway predominantly uses this number, however this emergency phone is shared with the covering doctor when Dr. Caraway is out of town.    

2024 Pricing 

$100     After-hours telephone/telemedicine consultations before 8:00 PM (does not include treatment costs)

$225     After-hours visits to the clinic before 8:00 PM (does not include diagnostics or treatments)

$200     After-hours telephone/telemedicine consultations 8 PM- 8 AM (does not include treatment costs)

$350     After-hours visits to the clinic 8:00 PM- 8:00 AM (does not include diagnostics or treatments)

Dial 907-747-3788 to find out the current emergency number.

Other Options:

$75   ASPCA Poison Control 1-888-426-4435

$50  This website connects you to a vet who will help you decide if your pet needs to be seen on emergency